
Monday, May 07, 2012

Oops! I Fried My Battery......

That ever happened to you? You plug in the battery to your remote control car or your Airsoft gun to charge and then go somewhere and leave it plug in to long? Then your battery is over charged and now you can't use it in your gun or car the only thing that battery is good for is throwing away, right? Wrong! You can still use that battery. You just need a little bit of MacGyver Smarts! So before you throw away your battery and go and spend $25.00 on a new one, READ THIS POST!!!

So just how do you fix and over charged battery? Let's answer that with a question. How does you battery lose it's charge? Simple! By powering a current with the battery. What? That might not have made since to you, but think about it, if your Airsoft gun is powered a battery, the power in the battery is run down. As the electricity run through the circuit, it looses it electrons and, because of that, it looses it's charge. So can't you fix it by doing the same thing, creating a circuit and hooking the battery up to it. But you can't put it in the gun, sou how can you create a circuit? Simple, take a piece of copper wire or other electrical wire and attach on end to one battery terminal and the other end of the wire to the other terminal. This creates a circuit that the electricity from the battery can run through. leave it like that for about 10 minutes and the remover the wire.
WARNING: The wire will get HOT, so you will want something to hold the wire with, like pliers!

Now your battery should be good as new!
Hope this helps!